Matinata s.r.o.

“It is the year 2000, and I am on the threshold of my professional career, intensely contemplating what to excel in. I have an economic education, an enterpreneurial spirit, but the most important thing is my tenacity and the desire to build something. Administration, economics, accounting, taxes and business management are part of the daily life of all companies and enterpreneurs. At the end of the year 2000, I made the decision to establish an accounting company.

“The ´D´ day arrived on November 20, 2000, and I hold in my hand the first statement from the Commercial Register of the company MATINATA s.r.o.

In the early years, the company MATINATA s.r.o. focused on building a solid and high-quality team of experts in the fields of accounting, taxes, business management and finance. A crucial part of building a modern and dynamic company was the selection of high-quality software. The choice fell on programmers fom Karviná and their Premier software. Along with the acquisition of quality hardware equipment and office facilities, a solid foundation was laid for a progressive and stable company.

We consider regular lifelong education of our employees as the first and most important aspect to maintain the quality of accounting services provided to our clients. The development of infividual team members is directed not only towards professional knowledge but also towards personal growth, language skills, communication abilities and teamwork. We offer our clients a professional approach based on individual trust, discretion and confidentiality (who else to trust if not your accountant). With a cup of quality coffee we will gladly welcome you to our office in Ostrava – Mariánské Hory, at Boleslavova Street 841/15.


Certificate [pdf, 828 kB]

Draft of contact [pdf, 373 kB]